Sunday, July 4, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
TV is back!
After a brief period of having nothing to watch (with The Office finale, and all my reality and competition shows on a break) I've been waiting for this particular month.
LEVERAGE, after a long wait, will be back June 20th at 9 pm for a 3rd season! The episode will be three hours long & guess what! Maybe you forgot, but Nate's behind bars. What will the team do without him?!
Next Sunday True Blood will be back, but just to review (season 2 spoiler) the biggest question: WHO VAMP-NAPPED BILL?!?!

Drop Dead Diva premiered the first episode of season2. Picking up where season 1 left off. In a doorway where Deb (in Jane's body) discovers that Jane is married! Which may or may not take a toll on her current love triangle that.
- and Paula Abdul makes her second guest appearance on the show. :)
Other June premieres (series & show premieres):
Secret life of an American Teenager (ABC family)
Saving Grace (TNT)
Memphis Beat (TNT)
Neighbors from Hell (TBS)
Hot In Cleaveland (TvLand / starring Betty White)
And so much more that it's ridiculous.
LEVERAGE, after a long wait, will be back June 20th at 9 pm for a 3rd season! The episode will be three hours long & guess what! Maybe you forgot, but Nate's behind bars. What will the team do without him?!
Next Sunday True Blood will be back, but just to review (season 2 spoiler) the biggest question: WHO VAMP-NAPPED BILL?!?!

Drop Dead Diva premiered the first episode of season2. Picking up where season 1 left off. In a doorway where Deb (in Jane's body) discovers that Jane is married! Which may or may not take a toll on her current love triangle that.
- and Paula Abdul makes her second guest appearance on the show. :)
Other June premieres (series & show premieres):
Secret life of an American Teenager (ABC family)
Saving Grace (TNT)
Memphis Beat (TNT)
Neighbors from Hell (TBS)
Hot In Cleaveland (TvLand / starring Betty White)
And so much more that it's ridiculous.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Life is short pt. 2
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Life is Short, Live it While You Can.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Guess who's playing Freddy

There was a midnight premiere of Nightmare on Elm street this passed Thursday and I did miss the first 40 minutes while cleaning up in concession, but it seemed I didn't miss anything important.
The story, though different in minor details, followed close to the original.
But cutting to the chase, Obviously it was rated R. It was short on nudity, but big on blood. So perfect if you need a good scary movie.
HOWEVER I ain't watching that again no time soon. smh
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
"Screw Bella" Origins
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Why Did I Get Married Too?

Ummm... Sold out 2 weekends in a row.
It's sort of a big deal! lol
It was Tyler Perry's brand of funny.
Secrets spilled that you wouldn't believe.
Unresolved issues between a specific couple.
& Did I cry?... You bet you bottom dollar!
Mike (Sheila's Ex husband) returns & one couple doesn't make it.
You think you know... but you really have no idea.
What you may not have know:
Janet Jackson's brother (Michael Jackson) died early in this films production which caused her to be able to show plenty of emotion in this film.
ALSO! Jill Scott had just given birth. Tyler Perry wrote that into the movie for her.
I wont say anything specific, but the movie I thought was pretty great until the end. Smh
I am not the only one who feels like that. Trust me. Ask anyone who's seen it. The ending was... something else.
ANYWHOZERS! As for a third part, I wouldn't recommend it because the couples who did make it seemed to have brought their issues to an end & moving on. There's nothing left to say!
Whatever. The end made me so mad that I'm just through talking about it. It was good for quick laughs though.

With Steve Carrell and Tina Fey.
Can you say TWO THUMBS UP?!
Story of a regular couple, with a full plate (kids, careers, etc.) who go out on a date once a week. While friends around them are breaking up they want to try and keep their love alive. One night they shake things up and are in for a big surprise.
At the theater this movie was nearly sold out for every showing opening weekend.
This movie was a hit if I've ever seen one!
I am a huge fan of the office and I love Michael Scott (Steve Carell's character), but I love how different his character was in this film.
I was a very short movie, but it tied all the loose ends and there is no need for a sequal. However, I hope they make another film together in the future.
Dating Games; Spoiler alert!

By RM Johnson
Book about twin girls born to a young mother, Livvy, all struggle to find themselves. Alize, the youngest by mere minutes, is on the wrong path and only looking to make things worse and may have done just that when she gets involved with drug dealer & murderer, Smoke. Hennesey, a bright school bound girl with everything going for her, gets involved with ex-con who is struggling to make his life right, but is being pulled back into his past and learning new things about his old best friend Smoke.
Though the writing was somewhat simplistic, and the the book took me on an emotional roller coaster I can't say it was a complete waste of time.
There were "twists" that were completely obvious, but allowed the reader to understand the characters. It's written 3rd person omniscient (my favorite!) so I knew everything about the characters before they even had an idea!
Overall... not bad. Wouldn't read it twice, and I'd only recommend it to someone bored with nothing else to read.
Word on the street: this was not even close to being his best book. "The Harris Family" was a bestseller so that's probably a good read.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Hot Tub Time Machine.

Rated R for a reason. lol
Have to be honest (cuz that's what I do), this movie was pretty racy & there was a decent amount of potty mouthing. Okay there was a LOT of it. BUT it was also really funny!
But wait! there's more!
The story reminded me of one of those 80's, almost impossible stories that make for great comedy. :) Kinda like.... Back to the future (the original).
And just like it they had to change the past to improve the future.
They had one night to do it & that night certainly had its up & downs.
Mature audiences how wanna laugh & who DONT over analyze movies. lol
What I learned from this film:
Karaoke night

Really something you can just have fun with no matter how you sing.
And when you're a regular, you really learn new songs.
Me and my girls that I sing with have a new karaoke name. Ready?
"Girls at the round table" --- like the knights & yes we do actually sit at a round table. ;)
Okay I just wanted to ramble on before I went to bed. Night! :)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Never give up.

"When you are tempted to give up, your breakthrough is probably just around the corner."
- Joyce Meyer
"God doesn’t tell you to do hard things so He can stand back and laugh and watch you struggle. He tells you to do things the things that He knows are gonna work out to your good in the end."
- Joyce Meyer
Anything that is meant to be takes time.
Everything worth having is hard to get.
If you don't try then you have already failed.
I hope one of these sayings is one you could remember when you feel like giving up.
Also don't feel like you have to do everything alone. :)
Release Party!

I know that you know that I went. I tried to fight it. I said soooo many times that I was gonna wait until they lowered the price, but I kept thinking of all the free stuff I'd miss out on:
-like the free Team Edward Eco-friendly metallic bottle ($9.99 at Burger King)
-three free bumper stickers; and
-4 buttons for the collection I just started.(that my friend bought & shared 1/3 with me & 1/3 with another friend)
Not to mention the cookies & soda & a Jacob cake lol
There were sooo many Edward fans there. I honestly thought there were more Jacob fans out there! hahahahaha
Also I stood in line for like 45min talking to some really nice gals.
My DVD only cost 17 bucks, but it did not come with the Eclipse preview. that DVD cost 25 bucks.
I've already seen it anyway!
Then there's a two disc set that is like $30.
There are like 5 versions of the movie, but those are the prices basically.
& they had SOOO many copies. I guess they plan NOT to run out of copies.
Sorry for rambling so much. I'm done now. :)
I'll keep you posted!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Alice in Wonderland Tim Burton

Alice in Wonderland was INCREDIBLE! It was fantasy, comedy, action and a great story line. I've never seen the original movie, but I imagine the remake did it much justice.
I'm pretty sure it's rated PG, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone under 13. (spoiler) There was some.... impalement & just when you are SURE that they aren't going to show it.. they do! lol
The entire film was about 1hr 49min; however it flew by and I hope for a... trilogy (because this IS a SEQUEL)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
KGB at the door (video/joke)
Follow the link!! :)
The Office - KGB knock knock joke
Posted using ShareThis
This is meant to be funny. I apologize if I offend anyone.
Season 5 The office. Episode title: "The Golden Ticket"
The Office - KGB knock knock joke
Posted using ShareThis
This is meant to be funny. I apologize if I offend anyone.
Season 5 The office. Episode title: "The Golden Ticket"
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Leap of Faith
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Cop Out

Spoiler alert! There were some characters who were speaking in Spanish and seemed to be struggling with what was supposed to be their native tongue.
And speaking of tongue, Tracy Morgan seemed to have a hard time controlling his drooling (literally) and there were a few ... spitty moments that had me turning away.
Other than that, it was a laugh out loud comedy that I would certainly watch again. But keep in mind, it is a rated R film & not for no reason.
Of course we got free tickets because I work there! lol but in my opinion, it was worth $7.50 and a movie for anyone who doesn't mind to let loose and enjoy themselves every now & again.
I'll keep you posted!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Nightlight: a Parody

Nightlight a parody
written by The Harvard Lampoon
It is about a fourth the size of Twilight and the characters are supposed to have very subtle similarities besides the story line of course.
The characters include: (spoiler alert!) Belle Goose & Edward Mullen.
This nook is good for:
-someone who wants to laugh and is not too serious.
This book is bad for:
- Anyone who wants to compare the two books at detail.
I am still not sure if this one is for me. smh
Some of the reviews said to read it in the store & save your money.
I just bought it yesterday at my favorite book store, Barnes & Noble for about $14.... I only read the first page & I'm already wondering if I wasted my money.
The cover is cute though! Right?
I'll keep you posted!
Monday, February 22, 2010
I GOT A JOB!! :)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What's your ninja name?!

It really is as EASY as it seems! For each letter of your name, replace it with the letters next to it in this image (left). I used my nick name (Liyah) because my real name is a bazillion letters longer.
My ninja name is....
Takifukari (tah- key- foo- car- ee) I LOOOOOVE IT!! :)
& I'd love even more for you to comment saying:
"My ninja name is....." Please & thank you.
I'll keep you posted.
P.S. If you do the word "LOVE" you'll find 'amor' within the spelling. Maybe that's cool only to me, but I thought I'd let you know. lol
Monday, February 15, 2010
Gifts from God.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Seconds anyone?

Even when my plate is full I always add on another project. Last semester I took 4 classes. One of which was online & I was exhausted! But this semester I urged myself to take 5. None of which are online (which really does make the classes a bit tougher).
I guess I am keeping up with my work a lot better than last semester & my social life isn't suffering any more than usual (lol), but am I as ready as I thought to enter the work force?
Yeah. I can handle a full plate & come back for seconds! *pass the Tums!*
Okay that was cheesy, but you get the picture.
Are you busy too?
Tell me about your full plate in the comment box.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Defining me?

So a new Facebook craze: search your name on Urbandictionary.com & post the definition for commenting.
Only my nickname was available & this is what it came up with.
1. Liyah
a girl who appears sweet, nice, and shy but when you get to know her she might get naughty or bad
she's the type of person who can give you anything
cares about what other people feels but if she dislikes you then you probably dont want to be around her.
she's the type of person who can give you anything
cares about what other people feels but if she dislikes you then you probably dont want to be around her.
Midnight Sun

Midnight Sun is an UNPUBLISHED book by Stephani Meyer & I'm sure many would agree that the woman is a genius.
Midnight Sun is the equivalent to Twilight, but the difference:
the entire story is based on EDWARD'S point of view.
I think that EDWARD'S exceptional mind reading skill brings the book to another level. Reader's get to know other characters (significant as well as otherwise) on a different level.
Readers may be surprised to discover how jealous Bella's friend Jessica really is.
AND get a first hand idea of how bad Edward thirsts for Bella upon first meeting her.
This and much more unexpected twists that Twilight did not uncover.
Release date is RUMORED to be August of NEXT year (2011).
I'll keep you posted!
I'll choose the topics based on whatever topic crosses my mind at the moment or I will listen to your ideas & see what magic we can create together.
This blog is accepting of any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, and any positive comments are VERY MUCH appreciated.
SPOILER ALERTS!! I will attempt to let any spoilers for movies/shows or books be known in advance, but I can't make any promises.
OVERALL this blog does not have any specific topic that I want to follow HOWEVER; I will allow you into my daily life & inside of my mind.
EXPECTATIONS: I just want you to get to know me & maybe find that you & I have a lot in common.
THANK YOU for reading & I'd love it if you bookmarked this blog.
This blog is accepting of any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, and any positive comments are VERY MUCH appreciated.
SPOILER ALERTS!! I will attempt to let any spoilers for movies/shows or books be known in advance, but I can't make any promises.
OVERALL this blog does not have any specific topic that I want to follow HOWEVER; I will allow you into my daily life & inside of my mind.
EXPECTATIONS: I just want you to get to know me & maybe find that you & I have a lot in common.
THANK YOU for reading & I'd love it if you bookmarked this blog.
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